Community Blog

Resources, exercises and community-building for advocates and the survivors they support.

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How to Support RAFT by Sharing Your Talent

October 27, 2020, RAFT Team

Burnout. It’s a psychological, emotional, and sometimes physical exhaustion that can come with long-term job stress.  In a field where Advocates deal with high stress and continually take ...

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Holidays: Balancing Overtime With Family Time

October 12, 2020, RAFT Team

Holidays and family go hand in hand, at least in the movies. But the Covid days we’re living in are anything but a movie, unless you’re watching an ...

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How to Build 5 Healthy Habits in the Middle of Chaos

September 29, 2020, RAFT Team

Chaos. It makes you feel you’re stuck with nowhere to go. How do you navigate chaos? Outer chaos in the world around you can make your internal emotional ...

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Breonna Taylor & Violence Against Black Women in their Homes

September 28, 2020, RAFT Team

Today, I woke up with Breonna Taylor on my mind. As I laid in bed, I surveyed my ground-level window and imagined intruders entering through it unannounced. I ...

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How to Build a Family Gratitude Practice

September 14, 2020, RAFT Team

September 21 is World Gratitude Day. There’s no better time to start a family gratitude practice. According to Oxford English dictionary, gratitude is the “readiness to show appreciation ...

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5 Ways Gratitude Makes You a Better Leader

August 25, 2020, RAFT Team

What qualities make a leader effective? Most people list things like confidence, integrity, clear communication, decisiveness, and courage. Rarely do they include gratitude on the list. But gratitude ...

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25 Ways to Boost Creativity That Take 5 Minutes or Less

August 11, 2020, RAFT Team

Creativity is good for the brain. Creativity helps you solve problems, boosts your immune system, improves your mental health, and reduces stress. Some even say creativity is a ...

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How a Gratitude Practice Can Build Resilience

July 28, 2020, RAFT Team

Gratitude and resilience go hand in hand.  These two qualities are one of the best ways to spiral your life upward towards more peace, more satisfaction, and greater ...

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What Happens at a RAFT Advocate Workshop?

July 13, 2020, RAFT Team

Advocates who work with domestic and sexual violence survivors face many challenges. Supporting survivors requires focus, compassion, patience, and emotional output. All this takes energy — often more ...

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How to Manage Stress That Comes With Change

June 30, 2020, RAFT Team

Change isn’t always easy. In fact, it’s often scary. It can even feel at times like change is impossible. So how do you manage stress that comes with change? ...

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