Community Blog

Resources, exercises and community-building for advocates and the survivors they support.

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Do I need to attend this meeting?

March 7, 2023, RAFT Team

As a leader in your organization, you have a lot of daily tasks you need to get done and you probably attend a lot of meetings. The question ...

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6 Steps to Re-evaluating Your Self-Care Routine

February 27, 2023, RAFT Team

Every advocate needs a self-care routine that is robust enough to carry you through the challenges you face. During the pandemic, depression rates have tripled. And while self-care ...

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4 Ways Self-Love Leads to Better Self-Care

February 13, 2023, RAFT Team

Low self-esteem is a global epidemic. According to the Global Self-Love Index study: What’s contributing to the problem to the lack of self-love? Many things, but social media ...

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7 Ways You Can Lead Even if You’re Not a Leader

January 23, 2023, RAFT Team

We’ve talked about ways to actively pursue better leadership skills so you can impact your organization in the best ways possible. But what if you’re not a boss ...

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5 Tips for Those in New Leadership Roles

January 9, 2023, RAFT Team

When you’re newly appointed as a leader, it’s common to feel overwhelmed and to know where and how to start. In this article, we’ll cover 4 key tips ...

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Our Top 10 Podcasts of All Time

December 26, 2022, RAFT Team

If you’re driving to work, cleaning the house or baking this holiday, or road-tripping to visit family, grab an episode or two of our podcast. Below, we’ve listed ...

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Yearly Wrap-Up: Our Best Articles of 2022

December 12, 2022, RAFT Team

We’ve had a fantastic year at RAFT, mostly because of all of you. Thank you! Below are our top 5 most popular blog articles that resonated with our ...

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Harnessing the Power of Gratitude in the Workplace

November 21, 2022, RAFT Team

With fall in the air and Covid a lower threat than it was a year ago, it feels like there’s a lot to be thankful for. Yes, even ...

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5 Tips to Express Gratitude at Work

November 7, 2022, RAFT Team

What is the true meaning of gratitude? According to the world’s leading scientific expert, gratitude is an affirmation of goodness. We affirm there are good things in the ...

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9 Ways Our Free Advocate Resources Can Change Your Life

October 24, 2022, RAFT Team

Almost 25% of adults ages 45 to 64 are caregivers. From paying bills to dressing, bathing, or transporting someone, these caregivers are trying to balance all aspects of ...

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