The RAFT Blog Rollup: Our Top 5 Articles of 2023

RAFT Team, December 11, 2023

We’ve covered a lot of ground in 2023. We launched our survey, grew our team, and sharpened our focus to support organizations. The content below reflects that renewed awareness of supporting you in your work environment, whether you’re an advocate, a leader, or in another type of support role. These were our top 5 blog articles of the year. Enjoy!

7 Ways You Can Lead Even if You’re Not a Leader

We’ve talked about ways to pursue better leadership skills so you can impact your organization in the best ways possible. But what if you’re not a boss or supervisor? Can you still lead? Absolutely, emphatically yes! It's called peer leadership, and it's vital. Studies show that everyone can become a leader, especially in the form of peer leadership, because you can learn many of these pear leader traits.

While peer leaders rarely have the authority to change something external like process, expectation, or education, they can lead by intentionally changing their own behavior. This internal process of change takes motivation and discipline, but is definitely worth the effort. In this article, we explore 7 key ways to exemplify peer-to-peer leadership.

Harnessing the Power of Gratitude in the Workplace

In this blog post, we explore what gratitude in the workplace means and why it’s so beneficial. We'll look at how you can encourage gratitude at work and transform your office into a place of thankfulness and appreciation through simple steps that are easy to implement. Finally, we'll wrap up with some key takeaways on why cultivating gratitude in the workplace should be part of every organization's mission statement!

4 Ways to Build a Team Mentality

It's important to grasp and promote a positive team mentality to have effective collaboration between team members. This outlook not only helps to work productively but also guarantees that everyone contributes to a shared aim.

In this article, we delve into strategies to enhance your team's communication skills, crucial for building strong small teams. We'll explore how you can harness technology for better coordination and sharing of big ideas.

We also discuss how to foster bonds within the team because teamwork makes everything possible. And we'll include how to encourage open dialogue, as it promotes transparency and mutual respect among colleagues.

12 Ways to Train Your Staff on a Limited Budget

Ongoing training for your SV and DV staff is crucial for their well-being, growth, and increased resilience. But when faced with limited resources or uninterested leadership, finding unconventional ways to educate your team becomes necessary. In this article, we explore 12 practical strategies to train your staff on a limited budget. 

Leadership Strategies to Unlock Organizational Growth

Organizational growth is a complex process that requires strong leadership and an effective mindset. As a leader, you must understand the impact your decisions have on organizational growth, as well as explore strategies for developing servant leadership to ensure successful outcomes.

In this article, we delve into how leadership affects organizational growth, examine the role of mindset in creating positive change within organizations, discuss approaches for cultivating servant-leadership practices and consider resilience techniques to prevent burnout. With these insights in hand, you can take your organization’s development journey from good to great.