Community Blog

Resources, exercises and community-building for advocates and the survivors they support.

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This Valentine’s Day Will You Put Flowers in Water To Keep Them Alive?

February 13, 2019, RAFT Team

There was a time when I used to buy flowers and hang them upside down for them to dry. I had a notion that I could have a ...

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Say NO to abuse. Don’t leave yourself unfinished.

February 6, 2019, RAFT Team

Say NO to abuse. Don’t leave yourself unfinished. Inspired by business executive and author, Seth Godin. Read the post here. If you don’t have time to clean up, ...

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Getting Hot Or Getting Cold Or Getting Burned Is A Never-Ending Game..

January 30, 2019, RAFT Team

Getting hot or getting cold or getting burned is a never ending game with abusers. I love a hot shower and I realize that it is a privilege ...

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Feeling Like A Broken Record

January 23, 2019, RAFT Team

Can I tell you a secret?Well, after I tell you, it’s no longer a secret!Here it is…I AM SICK of saying the same thing.What thing? The ONLY thing ...

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Taking Chances

January 16, 2019, RAFT Team

We teach young kids to take chances from a young age. We encourage them to take the next step and when they stumble we cheer them on. We ...

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The Challenges Challenge and Always Will

January 9, 2019, RAFT Team

I am absorbing Scott Kelly’s book Endurance. It is thrilling. On page 108 he talks about that cold January day when he saw the Challenger explode 73 seconds ...

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Endings are only beginnings

December 31, 2018, RAFT Team

If you are reading this then 2018 is at an end (or gone) and we are welcoming 2019, either eagerly or in some other way. Please look for ...

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The key to healthy relationships

December 18, 2018, RAFT Team

I stayed at a hotel recently and the key to the room was an electronic gizmo that looked like a key. It inserted into the lock like a ...

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The Sewing Machine Worked Just Fine… Until It Didn’t

December 12, 2018, RAFT Team

The other day I was preparing some small quilts to take with me to India for a program I planned to visit. The quilt squares had been decorated ...

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Self-care: How to start a gratitude and success journal

January 28, 2018, RAFT Team

I heard about gratitude journals years ago and brushed them off as a waste of time (I have a very “left-brain” background). After starting my work with Indrani’s ...

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