Our Top 10 Podcasts of All Time
RAFT Team, December 26, 2022
If you’re driving to work, cleaning the house or baking this holiday, or road-tripping to visit family, grab an episode or two of our podcast. Below, we’ve listed our top 10 podcasts of all time. From self-care to empowerment, you’ll be encouraged by the transparency of each speaker — people who know what you do and what you need to make the way a little bit brighter.
1. Challenging Responses and Staying in Your Power

Have you struggled with responding with compassion and love when an individual challenged your boundaries or your truth? Listen to our first episode in the list of our top ten podcasts of all time on the Caring for the Caregivers podcast as Indrani and special guest, Mark Silver, share their wisdom and experience with addressing challenging responses and staying in your power when faced with challenges.
2. Occupational Identity Management Part 1

In this podcast, we discuss occupational identity, a state of identifying closely with one's job. Join RAFT as we learn about how to manage this identity in mission-driven fields, such as SV/DV advocacy.
3. How to Help Everyone at Once, Without Overwhelm (SPOILER: You Can’t!)

Does this sound familiar: you are rushing to leave for work, helping your partner find their keys, packing lunches into backpacks, trying to put dinner in the crockpot, trying to remember your keys, then finally making it out the door. Once you arrive at work you have a meeting with your supervisor, are asked to get something from the supply room (which leads to three more people wanting something), then one of the residents asks you to talk about a big challenge they are facing.
How are you going to do all of this at once, and make everyone happy?
The short answer: you can't.
The long answer: listen to this episode of the Caring for the Caregivers podcast and learn some important tools you can use to control the overwhelm of trying to help everyone at once.
4. A Day in the Life of an Advocate, Part 1

In this episode of the RAFT Podcast, Indrani and Alyce discuss the importance and impact of a gratitude practice in the day and the life of an advocate. Join us with our guests Susan Shipman, Executive Director, and Trace Fleming-Trice, Sexual Violence Program Director, at 2nd Chance, which serves survivors of domestic and sexual violence in Anniston, Alabama.
A Day in the Life of an Advocate, Part 2

In this episode of the RAFT Podcast, Indrani and Alyce continue their discussion about the day and the life of an advocate. Join us with our guests Susan Shipman, Executive Director, and Trace Fleming-Trice, Sexual Violence Program Director, at 2nd Chance, which serves survivors of domestic and sexual violence in Anniston, Alabama.
5. Healthy Boundaries & Your Core Values

In this episode of the RAFT Podcast Indrani, Alyce, and Jeremie discuss a common occurrence for sexual and domestic violence advocates: going over the allotted time with a client, especially at the end of the workday. How can you set a boundary to end a meeting with a client without feeling guilty or like you betrayed them?
6. Managing Fear When Facing Adversity

In this episode, Indrani and Dr. Anita Sands share their experiences and the tools they've used to manage fear with the adversities they've faced. Anita also shares her story of coping with changes in her professional life after becoming a mother.
7. Managing the Stress That Comes With Change

In this episode of the RAFT Podcast, Jeremie, Indrani, and Alyce discuss tools that Advocates and Management can utilize to mitigate the stress and anxiety that often accompanies change.
8. Caring for the Caregivers: A Self-Empathy Meditation

Are you stuck between two versions of yourself? The "you" that wants peace and to be satisfied doing the best you can, and the "you" that is crazily trying to do everything for everyone. In this episode, Indrani will lead you through a short meditation to help you become a compassionate witness to your own self and your own energy.
9. A Fresh New Look, New Team Members, and a Brand New Name

Indrani's Light has gone through some big changes in the past year. We're starting 2020 with a fresh new look, new team members, and a brand new name: RAFT – Resilience for Advocates through Foundational Training. In this episode Indrani, Alyce, and Jeremie discuss the rebrand and what lessons they have learned through the renaming process.
10. Caring for the Caregivers: Examples of Self-Care Practices Part 1

Our final podcast in the list of our top 10 podcasts of all time explores self-care practices. There are far too many self-care practices in the world to list them all. However, if you are looking for something new to try this year, listen to Indrani, Amy, and Jeremie as they share their own self-care practices from 2017. In this episode, part one of two, the ILF Team each shares one self-care practice that worked for them in 2017, and one self-care practice they want to improve upon in 2018.