Community Blog

Resources, exercises and community-building for advocates and the survivors they support.

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5 Ways to Build Your Support Network After Covid

May 2, 2022, RAFT Team

What is a support network?  A support network is an informal group of friends, family, and co-workers that can make life a bit sunnier and help you through ...

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Building Organizational Resilience for DV & SV Advocates

April 18, 2022, RAFT Team

Organizational resilience is an essential part of any successful advocacy organization, allowing it to withstand challenges and remain resilient in the face of adversity. It’s important for leaders ...

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3 Ways to Practice Self-Compassion and Stop Being Your Own Biggest Bully

April 4, 2022, RAFT Team

A recent survey revealed that 68% of people consider themselves compassionate. And you’re probably one of them! Compassion helps you relate to other people and the things they’re experiencing. The ...

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6 Ways Alone Time Makes Better Leaders, Especially for Women

March 21, 2022, RAFT Team

Women are busier now than they’ve ever been. When not working, most women’s attention is 100% on family and home.  Have men stepped up to the plate. Definitely. ...

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How to Beat Burnout at Work in 5 Easy Steps

March 14, 2022, RAFT Team

We could easily dub 2021 as the “year of burnout at work for women.” According to the annual Women in the Workplace report, 42% of women reported feeling ...

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How to Remind Yourself of Your Value (Hint: It Involves Positive Self-Talk)

February 21, 2022, RAFT Team

What Is Self Talk? Self-talk is that little voice in your head that keeps a running commentary on almost everything you do.* Sometimes it’s positive, sometimes negative. (And ...

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2 Secrets to Surviving Life Without a Valentine

February 7, 2022, RAFT Team

It’s February — the month of love. It’s also the month of unrealistic expectations and loneliness. Especially if you find yourself without a Valentine. According to Statista, only ...

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The 3 Cs of Organizational Change

January 17, 2022, RAFT Team

Change at its heart is about shifting an established process. By definition, it sounds easy, but most humans are averse to change, so implementation takes a certain finesse. ...

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3 Ways Leadership Shapes Organizational Culture

January 10, 2022, RAFT Team

Everyone wants to work in a business or organization that has a great culture. But many don’t know how to cultivate it. Below, we cover 3 ways leadership ...

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New Year’s Resolutions: Look Back First

January 3, 2022, RAFT Team

New Year’s resolutions. Have you made any? Whether or not you have, I would like to suggest a slightly different approach to starting 2022: take some time to ...

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