Community Blog

Resources, exercises and community-building for advocates and the survivors they support.

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Boundary Setting 101: 5 Tips for Building a Positive Work Environment

April 8, 2024, RAFT Team

Do you struggle to remain positive and supportive at work? You’re not alone. Building a positive work environment takes commitment, but it’s worth the effort. The solution lies ...

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Unleashing Leadership Potential: A Guide to Appreciative Inquiry for Organizational Leadership

March 25, 2024, RAFT Team

Effective organizational leadership is not just about making decisions and issuing directives. It’s about building a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement. This is where Appreciative Inquiry ...

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How to Grow Advocacy Resilience Through Appreciative Inquiry

March 11, 2024, RAFT Team

In advocacy work, navigating through challenges while remaining resilient is essential for sustained impact. However, it’s easy to overlook your own well-being. This article delves into growing resilience ...

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Ask These 7 Questions When Interviewing for an Advocacy Job

March 1, 2024, Joy Ingram

You got called for the interview. You dressed for success (at least from the waist up) for the Zoom interview. You wowed the interview panel with your answers ...

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From Overwhelm to Organization: Strategies for Task List Success

February 26, 2024, RAFT Team

In order to achieve all the things you’d like to at work while also minding your well-being, the art of task management has become more critical than ever. ...

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Yearly Themes Instead of Resolutions 

February 13, 2024, Maegan Bradshaw

Earlier last month, RAFT team member Maegan said, “BOO to a new year, and new you” (you can read that post here), which inspired me to write this ...

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Cross-Generational Mentorship: Navigating Leadership Insights Across Ages

February 12, 2024, RAFT Team

Mentorship is a cornerstone of personal and professional development, offering guidance, support, and invaluable insights to people navigating their career paths. While the concept of mentorship often brings ...

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Striking Balance: Achieving Work-Life Harmony

February 9, 2024, Maegan Bradshaw

In the pursuit of our passion for advocacy and making a difference, it’s easy to find ourselves consumed by the noble causes we champion. Yet, it’s crucial to ...

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5 Steps to Excel at Strategic Task Management

January 29, 2024, RAFT Team

In the dynamic landscape of professional responsibilities, the delineation between urgent tasks clamoring for immediate attention and strategic tasks contributing to long-term goals becomes crucial. Let’s embark on ...

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New Year, New You?

January 9, 2024, Maegan Bradshaw

 As the calendar turns a new page and resolutions fill the air, we often find ourselves bombarded with the mantra of “New Year, New You.” But here at RAFT, we’re ...

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