Community Blog

Resources, exercises and community-building for advocates and the survivors they support.

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Navigating Constructive Conflict & Collaboration in Advocacy Teams

June 10, 2024, RAFT Team

Conflict comes to every organization. More so within advocacy teams where passion and commitment to your cause can lead to differing opinions and approaches. Strong constructive conflict resolution ...

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Space for Change: Designing Your Workspace for Advocacy Success

May 13, 2024, RAFT Team

Working from home can be difficult, but thoughtfully designing your workspace can make it much easier. A well-designed work area can boost your productivity, improve mental clarity, increase ...

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Boundary Setting 101: 5 Tips for Building a Positive Work Environment

April 8, 2024, RAFT Team

Do you struggle to remain positive and supportive at work? You’re not alone. Building a positive work environment takes commitment, but it’s worth the effort. The solution lies ...

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From Overwhelm to Organization: Strategies for Task List Success

February 26, 2024, RAFT Team

In order to achieve all the things you’d like to at work while also minding your well-being, the art of task management has become more critical than ever. ...

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Striking Balance: Achieving Work-Life Harmony

February 9, 2024, Maegan Bradshaw

In the pursuit of our passion for advocacy and making a difference, it’s easy to find ourselves consumed by the noble causes we champion. Yet, it’s crucial to ...

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Navigating Tough Conversations at Work: How to  Start Them and How to Respond

August 28, 2023, RAFT Team

In the intricate dance of workplace interactions, tough conversations with co-workers are inevitable. Whether addressing a conflict, delivering constructive feedback, or discussing sensitive matters, mastering the art of ...

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Setting Workplace Boundaries as an Advocate

June 16, 2023, Maegan Bradshaw

Advocates, we see your tireless dedication to your cause! We recognize the long work hours in often high-pressure situations; and how committed you are to making a positive ...

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The Benefits of Healthy Boundaries & the 5 People Who Get Them the Most

August 22, 2022, RAFT Team

Are you buried in to-dos and can’t ever seem to find a way out? You likely have a boundary problem. Boundaries are hard work! There’s no denying that ...

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One Key Math Rule to Help You Keep Your Boundaries

August 8, 2022, RAFT Team

Boundaries. We know what they mean, but often have a difficult time defining exactly what they are. In part because boundaries are not always rigid rules we enforce ...

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How to Set Boundaries in Relationships

August 16, 2021, RAFT Team

Anytime you’re interacting with someone else, you’re following (or not following) particular rules of engagement. We call these boundaries, and they clearly mark where one thing ends, and ...

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