We Can’t Wait To Meet You on June 23rd
Thank you for registering for the RAFT workshop: So Much Good in What We Do – Small Recognitions and Why They Matter on March 31st at 12 pm CT/1 pm ET. Check your email to access the zoom link, learn more about your RAFT trainer, and what to expect during the workshop.
But before you go, we invite you to join RAFT in our mission to support sexual and domestic violence advocates through a completely optional, one-time donation.
What is our mission? It’s simple: Provide exceptional care to advocates so they can provide exceptional support to survivors.
More specifically, RAFT delivers:
- Research-based resiliency workshops for SV and DV advocates across the United States, and Army and Navy advocates worldwide.
- Monthly support calls with a community of advocates who receive ongoing support with the challenges they experience every day.
- Monthly leadership calls that support emerging leaders and executive directors to improve resilience and well-being among advocates and staff.
Your donation will keep our support accessible to advocates and increase our bandwidth to reach more advocates across the country, especially advocates who serve marginalized communities or reside in remote geographic areas.
Will you join RAFT in our mission to support advocates today?
Thank you for considering and we truly hope the workshop will be just as valuable to you as it is to the advocates RAFT serves.