How One Bad_MMAma Uses Her MMA Training to Empower DV Survivors

RAFT Team, October 20, 2021

In this episode, Jamie (@bad_mmama), a professional MMA fighter, shares her journey from survivor to advocate. Learn how she leverages her training in physical and non-contact defense to empower other survivors.

Listeners, please note that there is discussion of domestic violence in the podcast and specific discussion about rape at 35:55.

Episode Time Codes

00:00 Intro
00:26 Listeners are welcomed and RAFT team members, Indrani and Esteniolla, introduce themselves
01:34 Jamie introduces herself
02:15 Question: What was the switch that you flipped that gave you the courage to leave the abusive relationship?
04:30 Question: How did you finally realize—this is not love?
07:35 Discussion on inter-generational trauma and the "normalcy" of abuse
11:58 Question: What tips or guidance do you have for those listening who are currently experiencing abuse or have loved ones who are?
14:28 Discussion on available domestic abuse prevention resources
15:38 Question: How did you make the shift from survivor to advocate?
22:33 Question: How do you take care of yourself and manage your time as a single mom who is an advocate?
24:30 Question: What do your powerHER defense classes/workshops look like?
28:00 Discussion
30:00 Question: How can our listeners learn more about your defense classes?
31:20 Components of powerHER model: Boundaries, Awareness, Threat Recognition, Avoidance, & Self-Care
33:57 Question: What made you turn to MMA fighting and connect it to your advocacy work?
35:55 TRIGGER WARNING: Discussion on recent public incident of sexual assault in the news + situational awareness for bystanders
39:15 Question: So back to our question, what made you decide that MMA fighting was the route to take?
44:20 Discussion
46:23 Closing remarks
47:30 Outro
