Our Mission

RAFT supports organizations and advocates to cultivate human-centered workspaces through foundational wellness practices, resources, and training to build resilience and promote a positive gender-based violence advocacy ecosystem. * 

* We define the gender-based violence advocacy ecosystem as encompassing all types of survivor advocacy organizations, i.e. Coalitions, Direct Support, Government, Military, etc., as well as all people involved in this work, i.e. Survivors, Advocates, Leaders, Funders, etc.

“All of it has helped me improve areas of my life. Boundaries, releasing shame, getting clear on my current values, and understanding what strengths I can use to help in my work and personal life.”

– Participant Testimonial, 2022

Our Vision

RAFT envisions a future where gender-based violence advocacy organizations empower advocates to live balanced, supported lives while doing meaningful work to provide exceptional care for the communities in which they advocate and themselves. 

Our Values

Fail. Learn. Grow.

The RAFT team takes discerning and intentional risks with the expectation that there may be failures, and we will learn from those failures. This allows the team to take chances, speak out, and suggest new ideas. This empowers our team to take the lead and provides ample opportunities for our team to learn and grow collectively. 


Support is RAFT’s guiding light. We are empathetic to our team’s humanity and express when we need support. We support team members and their families, clients, organizations, and collaborators. We uplift team members’ by utilizing their strengths, supporting their growth, and rooting for their success within RAFT and in their personal endeavors. 


The RAFT team is completely transparent about our internal processes, systems, and policies, as well as our setbacks, deficiencies, and successes. We welcome all input and feedback, whether positive or negative. We are clear about our boundaries, our feelings, and our needs.